The University of Manchester
曼彻斯特大学(英语:Univerity of Mancheter)是英国规模最大的单一校址大学,位于英格兰北部大城曼彻斯特。校内现有四万余名学生就读五百多个科系或学程,教职员超过一万人,年度预算达六亿英镑。该校每年收到六万件来自全世界的入学申请,为全英之冠。根据泰晤士报报道:“曼彻斯特大学几乎在所有学科都有可敬的声望,其中又以生命科学、工程、人文、经济学、社会学、与社会科学为最。”另外曼彻斯特商学院也在全球排名第25。曼彻斯特大学图书馆(约翰·莱兰兹图书馆)的藏书规模位居全英大学第三,仅次于牛津大学和剑桥大学。
曼彻斯特大学,简称曼大,是一所拥有光辉历史的国际一流大学,在这里诞生了25位诺贝尔奖获得者。该校拥有极高的国际声誉,世界排名第29。 根据英国高等教育基金委员会(RAE)在2008年12月18日颁布的英国研究型大学排名(七年评一次,英国高等教育官方排名),曼大位列第4,仅次于剑桥,牛津与帝国理工。值得一提的是,曼彻斯特商学院(MBS)是曼大的金牌学院,拥有众多知名校友,并且在世界商学院排名中位列前30。
曼大位于英格兰中北部的曼彻斯特市(英国第二大城市)。曼大的前身分别是始建于1824年的曼彻斯特理工大学(UMIST)和建于1851年的欧文斯学院(1880年升格为维克多利亚曼彻斯特大学)。这两所世界一流学府经过上百年的独立发展,终于宣布于2004年10月22日合二为一,成为现在的曼彻斯特大学。目前她是英国规模最大的单一校址大学。校内现有四万余名学生就读五百多个科系或学程,教职员超过一万人,其中很多是享誉世界的著名科学家。曼大拥有先进的教学设施,完善的研究和实验设备。全校共有6000多部电脑,每一名在校学生都拥有自己的电子信箱地址。曼大的图书馆(John Ryland Univerity Library)是英国三大图书馆之一,藏书360万册。为了丰富学生们的课余生活,曼大为学生们提供了良好的体育活动场所,其中两个室内运动中心,两个大型户外运动场可供学生们使用。
曼彻斯特大学的历史与曼彻斯特城的发展息息相关。一直以来,大学与曼城互为辉映,大学以城市为荣,城市也以拥有这所著名学府而倍感骄傲。1851年,曼彻斯特的纺织商人John Owen先生投资96,942镑组建了欧文斯学院(Owen College,曼大的前身)。在19世纪,随着工业革命的发展,曼彻斯特市对于高等教育和职场的优秀人才有着巨大的需求,曼大以出众的教育水平培养出众多优秀的人才,这弥补了城市发展的需要,使无数公司从雇用大学培养的学生中受益非浅。同时,充满活力与机会的曼彻斯特市也吸引着不同国籍的优秀学者来到这里学习深造,为曼彻斯特大学,这所世界一流,拥有百余年历史的大学增添新的学术创意与活力。
曼彻斯特大学学生可以享用到英国大学中最好的设施。曼大拥有的约翰赖兰斯大学图书馆(John Ryland Univerity Library,分新、老两馆)是全英国第三大学术类图书馆,两馆共藏有400多万册各类纸质书籍与期刊,以及100余万电子书刊,还有几百个数据库。图书馆提供网络链接,使学生可以在世界的每一个角落通过互联网读取主图书馆内的丰富资源。此外,有九个专业系还配备了自己的图书馆(室)资源,其中大多向所有曼大学生开放。十一个图书馆既有分工又有协作,保持良好的沟通交流,共同维持着整个图书馆系统的良好运作。此外,曼大的分子细胞生物学综合中心是全英最优秀的生物科学中心;人文学院设施精良,新建有造价600万英镑的音乐与戏剧学院。
维多利亚曼彻斯特大学创办于1851年,那时称作欧文斯学院(Owen College),命名来自于欧文先生,一位纺织商人。正是他用96,294英镑创办了这所学院。此后,曼彻斯特欧文斯学院首先发起了“市立大学运动”,并在1851年成为第一批被英国政府颁发特许的市立大学。由于这些大学大多有红砖的校园建筑,英国人统称这些大学叫做“红砖大学”(Red Brick Univerity),全英国仅有6所大学享有这一地位,分别是布里斯托尔大学、谢菲尔德大学、伯明翰大学、利兹大学、维多利亚曼彻斯特大学(原欧文斯学院)和利物浦大学。她们都是英国最顶尖的老牌名校,这个称谓主要是有别于牛津和剑桥大学。
该校的校训是“Arduu Ad Solem”,字面意思是“面朝太阳”,有积极启蒙的意思。该格言出自维吉尔(Virgil)的叙事诗《埃涅伊德》(Aeneid),但选用这个格言的原因早已无从考证。在《埃涅伊德》中,这个引证提及大毒蛇和太阳,有趣的是,在曼大的传统校徽中,这两样东西都有所刻绘。
申请就读大多数本科课程的中国学生, 最低条件是:
BSc Business Accounting with Industrial/Professional Experience (商务会计)
PhD Business and Management (商务管理博士)
MSc Human Resource Management ()
BSc Economics ()
BAEcon Economics and Finance ()
MA International Relations (Research) (国际关系(研究型))
MSc International Fashion Marketing ()
MSc Management of Information Systems: Change and Development (信息系统管理:改变与发展)
MSc Economics ()
Economics and data analytics ()
MSc Human Resource Management (International Development) (人力资源管理硕士(国际发展))
PhD Accounting and Finance ()
MPhil Accounting and Finance (会计与金融硕士)
Economics and Finance (3 Years) [BAEcon] (经济学与金融)
Economics and Sociology (3 Years) [BAEcon] (经济学与社会学)
Management with Industrial/Professional Experience BSc (管理)
LLM International Economic Law (国际经济法硕士)
BA Global Social Challenges ()
Information Technology Management for Business (3 Years) [BSc] (商业信息技术管理)
Management (3 Years) [BSc] (管理)
Management (Accounting and Finance) (3 Years) [BSc] (管理(会计与金融))
Management (Human Resources) (3 Years) [BSc] (管理(人力资源))
Mathematics with Finance (3 Years) [BSc] (金融数学)
MS International Development: Development Management ()
BSc Management (Innovation, Strategy and Entrepreneurship) ()
MSc Business Analysis and Strategic Management ()
Management, Leadership and Leisure-BA (Hons) ()
BSc Management (International Business Economics) ()
MSc Business Analytics: Operational Research and Risk Analysis (商务分析硕士:运营研究和风险分析)
BA Architecture ()
BSc International Business, Finance and Economics with Industrial/Professional Experience ()
BSc Information Technology Management for Business with Industrial Experience ()
Modern Language and Business & Management (Japanese) TN92 ()
Economics BAEcon (Hons) (经济学)
Business Analytics: Operational Research and Risk Analysis MSc (商业分析:运筹与风险分析)
Finance MSc (金融)
Innovation Management and Entrepreneurship MSc (创新管理与创业)
Organisational Psychology MSc (组织心理学)
MSc International Development: Public Policy and Management ()
Bachelor of Commerce ()
MSc Real Estate Asset Development (房地产资产开发硕士)
Accounting with Industrial/Professional Experience (4 years) [BSc] (会计)
BA Modern History with Economics ()
Accounting and Finance MSc (会计与金融)
Human Resource Management and Industrial Relations MSc (人力资源管理与国际关系)
Operations, Project and Supply Chain Management MSc (运营、项目和供应链管理)
Development Economics and Policy MSc (发展经济学与政策)
Development Finance MSc (发展金融)
Human Resource Management (International Development) MSc (人力资源管理(国际发展))
Human Resource Development (International Development) MSc (人力资源发展(国际发展))
Finance (3 Years) [BAEcon] (金融)
International Business, Finance and Economics (3 Years) [BSc] (国际商务、金融与经济学)
Business Administration MBA (工商管理)
Msc International Business and Management (Management) (国际商业与管理)
Business Analysis and Strategic Management MSc (商业分析与策略管理)
International Human Resource Management and Comparative Industrial Relations MSc (国际人力资源管理与比较工业关系)
MSc Accounting (会计)
MSc Marketing ()
MSc Management and Information Systems: Change and Development (管理与信息系统:改变和发展)
MSc by Research Fashion Management and Marketing ()
MSc Economics and Data Science ()
Fashion Marketing BSc ()
Accounting (3 years) [BSc] (会计)
Accounting and Finance (3 Years) [BAEcon] (会计与金融)
LLM Corporate Governance (公司管理法)
MSc International Fashion Retailing (国际时尚零售)
Economics MA (经济学)
Economics MSc (经济学)
MPhil Business and Management ()
Fashion Marketing ()
management (marketing) with industrial/ professional experience ()
BAEcon Economics ()
Management (Marketing) (市场营销)
BSC Management(Marketing) (管理学(市场营销))
BA Modern Language and Business & Management (French) ()
Business Psychology MSc (商业心理学)
Management MSc (管理)
Marketing MSc (市场营销)
MBA Business Administration (工商管理硕士)
Quantitative Finance MSc (定量金融)
BA Economics and Social Statistics ()
BSc Fashion Technology ()
MA International Relations (Standard) ()
BSc Actuarial Science and Mathematics ()
MSc Management (管理)
Management (Innovation, Sustainability and Entrepreneurship) with Industrial/Professional Experience (4 years) [BSc] (管理(创新、可持续性与创业))
BAEcon Economics and Philosophy ()
BSc Management (Innovation, Strategy and Entrepreneurship) with Industrial / Professional Experience ()
Economics (3 years) [BSc] (经济学)
MA International Political Economy (Standard) (MA International Political Economy (Standard))
MSc International Business and Management ()
business and human cultures-foundation ()
BA Linguistics ()
BSc Management ()
International Year One in International Business, Accounting and Finance (大一商科课程)
International Foundation in Business and Humanities (商业与人文)
International Foundation in Business and Humanities-2 Terms (商业与人文)
International Foundation in Business and Humanities-4 Terms (商业与人文)
Financial Economics MSc (金融经济学)
MSc Sustainable Business ()
MSc Digital Marketing (数字营销)
MSc Digital Transformation ()
Master's Preparation (硕士预科课程)
Master's Preparation-2 Terms (硕士预科课程)
International Year One in International Business, Accounting and Finance (国际商务、会计与金融)
BSc International Management with American Business Studies ()
BSc Management (Accounting & Finance) with Industrial/Professional Experience ()
International Management (4 Years) [BSc] (国际管理)
MSc Management of Projects (项目管理)
International Year One in International Business, Accounting and Finance-4 Terms (国际商务、会计与金融)
PhD Electrical and Electronic Engineering ()
MSc Digital Development ()
MSc Mechanical Engineering Design (机械工程设计)
MSc Subsurface Energy Engineering ()
Civil Engineering (3 Years) [BEng] (土木工程)
International Foundation in Mechanical and Electrical Engineering-4 Terms (机械和电气工程)
BEng Civil Egineering ()
BSc Physics ()
BEng Electrical and Electronic Engineering ()
International Foundation in Aerospace, Chemical and Civil Engineering-4 Terms (航空航天、化学和土木工程)
International Foundation in Mechanical and Electrical Engineering (机械和电气工程)
Aerospace Engineering (3 Years) [BEng] (航空航天工程)
Advanced Control and Systems Engineering MSc (高级控制与系统工程)
Advanced Electrical Power Systems Engineering MSc (高级电力系统工程)
Renewable Energy and Clean Technology MSc (再生能源与清洁技术)
Commercial Project Management MSc (商业项目管理)
Management of Projects MSc (项目管理)
Thermal Power & Fluid Engineering MSc (热能与流体工程)
BEng Electrical and Electronic Engineering with Industrial Experience (工程)
PhDs in Science and Engineering ()
Engineering with an Integrated Foundation Year (工程)
MSc Nanomaterials (纳米材料硕士)
International Foundation in Aerospace, Chemical and Civil Engineering (航空航天、化学和土木工程)
Mechanical Engineering (3 Years) [BEng] (机械工程)
Aerospace Engineering MSc (航空航天工程)
Construction Project Management MSc (建筑工程项目管理)
Mechanical Engineering Design MSc (机械工程设计)
Reliability Engineering and Asset Management MSc (可靠性工程与资产管理)
Structural Engineering MSc (结构工程)
MSc Advanced Process Integration and Design (高级工艺集成与设计)
Engineering Project Management MSc (工程项目管理)
Electrical Power Systems Engineering MSc (电力系统工程)
Digital Technologies, Communication and Education MA (数字技术、通信与教育)
PhD/MPhil Chemical Engineering (化学工程)
civil engineering (土木工程)
Mechanical Engineering with Management (H3N1) ()
MSc Communications and Signal Processing with Extended Research ()
BEng Mechatronic Engineering (机械电子工程)
MSc Data Science (Computer Science Data Informatics) ()
Life Sciences with Industrial/Professional Experience (生命科学与工业)
Environmental Management with Placement (F853) (环境管理)
BSc/MEng Artificial Intelligence with an Integrated Foundation Year ()
PhD Mechanical Engineering ()
International Foundation in Mechanical and Electrical Engineering (机电工程国际预科)
MSc Corrosion Control Engineering (腐蚀控制工程)
Advanced Manufacturing Technology & Systems Management MSc (高级制造技术与系统管理)
MPhil Electrical and Electronic Engineering ()
BEng/MEng Chemical Engineering with an Integrated Foundation Year ()
International Foundation in Engineering and Science (工程与理学本科预科)
Msc by Research Particle Physics ()
MSc Advanced Control and Systems Engineering with Extended Research (高级控制和系统工程扩展研究)
MPhil Mechanical Engineering (机械工程)
Electronic Engineering (H610) ()
Architecture (3 Years) [BA] (建筑)
MA Architecture and Urbanism (城市化建筑)
Environmental Management (F852) ()
MSc Real Estate Asset Management ()
MArch Architecture (建筑学)
MA Architecture and Adaptive Reuse ()
BSc Planning and Real Estate ()
MSc Structural Engineering (建筑工程)
MSc Green Infrastructure (绿化设施)
MLA Landscape Architecture ()
MSc Research Methods with Planning and Environmental Management ()
MA International Education (Equity, Diversity and Inclusion) ()
Educational Psychology (C812) ()
BA Education, Leadership and Culture ()
Educational Leadership MA (教育领导)
BA English Language for Education ()
MA International Education (Globalisation and International Development) (国际教育(全球与国际发展))
MA International Education (Higher Education) ()
Education (International) MA (教育(国际))
MRes Psychology ()
Education Bsc (教育)
Pre-Master ()
MA International Education ()
MA Education for a Sustainable Environment (可持续环境教育)
MA International Education (Curriculum and Pedagogy) ()
MSc Research Methods with Education (教育研究方法)
MSc/PGDip Deaf Education (聋哑教育)
MA International Education (TESOL) ()
BSc Computer Science (Human Computer Interaction) (计算机科学(人机交互))
BSc Software Engineering ()
BEng/MEng Computer Systems Engineering with an Integrated Foundation Year ()
BSc Biotechnology ()
International Foundation in Maths and Computer Science (数学和计算机科学)
Software Engineering (3 Years) [BSc] (软件工程)
International Foundation in Maths and Computer Science (数学与计算机科学国际预科)
MRes Experimental Psychology with Data Science ()
BASS Sociology and Data Analytics (社会学和数据分析)
MSc Advanced Computer Science (高级计算机科学)
MSc Advanced Computer Science and IT Management (高级计算机科学与IT管理)
Advanced Computer Science: Artificial Intelligence [MSc] (高级计算机科学 人工智能)
Advanced Computer Science: Computer Systems Engineering [MSc] (计算机系统工程)
Communications and Signal Processing MSc ()
MSc Software Engineering (软件工程)
Advanced Computer Science: Digital Biology [MSc] (数字生物)
Advanced Computer Science: Multi-Core Computing [MSc] (多核计算机)
MSc ACS: Software Engineering ()
International Foundation in Maths and Computer Science-4 Terms (数学和计算机科学)
Advanced Computer Science: Software Engineering [MSc] (高级计算机技术:软件工程)
MSc ACS: Advanced Web Technologies (先进网络技术)
BSc Computer Science and Mathematics (计算机科学与数学学士)
Advanced Computer Science: Computer Security [MSc] (高级计算机科学 计算机安全)
Advanced Computer Science: Data and Knowledge Management [MSc] (数据与知识管理)
MA Digital Technologies, Communication and Education ()
MSc Data Science (Environmental Analytics) ()
MSc ICTs for Development ()
MEng Artificial Intelligence (人工智能)
BSc/MEng Computer Science with an Integrated Foundation Year (计算机科学)
PhD Computer Science (计算机科学)
MSc Health Informatics (健康信息学)
MSc Data Science (Urban Analytics) ()
Computer Systems Engineering (HH66) ()
Computer Science (3 Years) [BSc] (计算机科学)
MSc ACS: Artificial Intelligence ()
MSc ACS: Computer Security ()
MSc Data Science (Applied Urban Analytics) (数据科学硕士(应用城市分析))
urban planning MPlan ()
Fashion Management (时尚管理)
MA Digital Media, Culture and Society (数字媒体、文化与社会)
Drama and Film Studies ()
BA film studies and history and art ()
MA in Film Studies ()
MusB Music (音乐)
MusM Music (Ethnomusicology) (人种音乐学)
MusM Composition (Instrumental and Vocal music) ()
MA Library and Archive Studies ()
MusM Composition (Electroacoustic Music and Interactive Media) (作曲(电子乐与交互式媒体))
MusM Composition (Instrumental and Vocal) (作曲(器乐与声乐))
MusM Music (Performance Studies) (音乐)
Film Studies and East Asian Studies ()
Fashion Buying & Merchandising ()
MA Arts, Culture and the Environment ()
BSc Politics and International Relations ()
BSc Fashion Buying and Merchandising (时装采购与推销)
MA Arts Management, Policy and Practice (艺术管理、政策与实践)
BA English Language and Spanish ()
BA Film Studies and Chinese ()
Development Studies ()
BA Sociology and Japanese (社会学与日语)
BA Japanese Studies (BA Japanese Studies)
BA Creative and Cultural Industries ()
BA Politics, Philosophy and Economics (政治、哲学和经济学文学士)
Art Gallery and Museum Studies MA (美术馆与博物馆研究)
Classics and Ancient History MA (古典学与古历史)
Gender, Sexuality and Culture MA (性别、性与文化)
Linguistics MA (语言学)
MA English Literature and American Studies (Subject to approval) (英国文学与美国研究)
Translation and Interpreting Studies MA (翻译与口译研究)
Creative Writing MA (创意写作)
History MA (历史)
Humanitarianism and Conflict Response MA (人道主义与冲突响应)
Medieval and Early Modern Studies MA (中世纪和近代早期的研究)
Peace and Conflict Studies MA (和平与冲突研究)
Screenwriting MA (电影剧本创作)
English Language (3 Years) [BA] (英语语言)
MA Modern Languages and Cultures ()
Archaeology (3 Years) [BA] (考古学)
Conference Interpreting MA (会议口译)
Intercultural Communication (跨文化交流)
Religions and Theology MA (宗教与神学)
Archaeology and Anthropology (3 Years) [BA] (考古学与人类学)
Arts Management, Policy and Practice MA (艺术管理、政策与实践)
International Disaster Management MSc (国际灾难管理)
MA Modern and Contemporary Literature (近现代文学)
MusM Music (Musicology) (音乐(音乐学))
MA TESOL (2025 entry) ()
English Studies MA (英国研究)
BA English Language and English Literature ()
BA English Literature ()
MSc by Research Nano and Functional Materials ()
MSc Geoscience for Sustainable Energy (地球科学可持续能源)
MSc Statistics (Financial Statistics) ()
MSc Applied Mathematics with Industrial Modelling (数学)
BSc Physics with Astrophysics (物理与天文学)
International Foundation in Biosciences (生物科学)
MMath Mathematics with Financial Mathematics ()
International Foundation in Physical and Natural Sciences-4 Terms (物理和自然科学)
International Foundation in Pharmacy (药剂学)
Anatomical Sciences (3 Years) [BSc] (解剖科学)
Anatomical Sciences with a Modern Language (4 Years) [BSc] (解剖科学与现代语言)
Chemistry with Medicinal Chemistry (3 Years) [BSc] (化学(医学化学))
MGeog with International Development (地理(国际化发展))
Materials Science and Engineering (3 Years) [BSc] (材料科学与工程)
Philosophy and Politics (3 years) [BASS] (哲学与政治)
Zoology (3 Years) [BSc] (动物学)
BSc Environmental Science (环境科学)
MSc Project Management ()
BSc Chemistry ()
BSc Artificial Intelligence ()
Chemistry with Industrial Experience ()
MSc Data Science (Earth and Environmental Analytics) ()
Audiology MSc (听力学)
Bioinformatics and Systems Biology MSc (生物信息学与系统生物)
MSc Cancer Research and Molecular Biomedicine (肿瘤研究与分子生物学)
MSc ACS: Digital Biology ()
BSc Mathematics (数学)
MRes Oncology ()
MSc Global Development (Environment and Climate Change) (全球发展(环境与气候变化))
International Foundation in Physical and Natural Sciences (物理和自然科学)
International Foundation in Psychology (心理学)
Clinical and Health Psychology MSc (临床与心理健康学)
MSc Developmental Biology (发展生物)
MSc Neuroscience (神经科学)
International Development: Politics, Governance and Development Policy (国际发展:政治、治理与发展政策)
International Development: Poverty Conflict and Reconstruction MSc (国际发展:贫困冲突与重建)
International Development: Poverty, Inequality and Development (国际发展:贫困、不平等与发展)
Film Studies MA (电影研究)
MSc Pollution & Environmental Control (污染与环境治理)
Geographical Information Science MSc (地理信息科学)
International Development MSc (国际发展)
International Development: Environment Climate Change and Development MSc (国际发展:环境气候变化与发展)
Management and Information Systems: Change and Development MSc (管理和信息系统:变化与发展)
Real Estate Asset Management MSc (不动产资产管理)
Urban Regeneration and Development MSc (城市再生与发展)
International Fashion Marketing MSc (国际时尚营销)
MSc Advanced Engineering Materials (先进工程材料)
MSc International Fashion Retailing (Multichannel Marketing) (国际时尚零售(多渠道营销))
Textile Technology (Technical Textiles) MSc (纺织技术(技术纺织品))
Actuarial Science MSc (精算科学)
Pure Mathematics and Mathematical Logic MSc (纯数学与数理逻辑)
MSc Advanced Chemical Engineering (高级化学工程)
Mathematics (3 Years) [BSc] (数学)
BSc Biochemistry ()
Chemical Engineering (4 Years) [MEng] (化学工程)
MRes Cognitive Neuroscience and Neuropsychology (认知神经科学和神经心理学)
Biotechnology and Enterprise MSc (生物技术与企业)
Geography (3 Years) [BA] (地理)
Mathematics and Statistics (3 Years) [BSc] (数学与数据)
MSc Biological Sciences ()
MSc Petroleum Geoscience for Reservoir Development and Production (石油地质储层的开发和生产)
Petroleum Exploration Geoscience MSc (石油勘探地球科学)
Environmental Governance MSc (环境治理)
Environmental Impact Assessment & Management MSc (环境影响评价与管理)
Environmental Monitoring, Modelling and Reconstruction MSc (环境监测、建模与重构)
Real Estate Development MSc (房地产开发)
MSc Biomaterials (生物材料)
Mathematical Finance MSc (数学金融)
Statistics MSc (统计学)
International Development: Public Policy and Management MSc (国际发展:公共政策与管理)
Management and Implementation of Development Projects MSc (发展项目的管理与实施)
Psychology of Education Med (医学心理学)
Urban Design and International Planning MSc (城市设计与国际规划)
Nuclear Science and Technology MSc (核科学与科技)
MSc Chemistry (化学)
Physics ()
MSc Data Science (Social Analytics) (数据科学(社会分析))
Social Research Methods and Statistics with Computational Social Sciemce ()
MSc by Research Atmospheric Sciences (大气科学研究)
Chemistry (化学)
Geographical Information Science MSc ()
Development Studies and Data Analytics LL14 ()
History of Science, Technology and Medicine MSc (including Medical Humanities award route) (科学史、技术史与医学史)
MSc Biochemistry (生物化学)
Science Communication MSc (科学传播)
Cell Biology MSc (细胞生物)
Advanced Audiology Studies MSc (高级听力学研究)
Global Urban Development and Planning MSc (全球城市发展与规划)
MSc Tissue Engineering for Regenerative Medicine (再生医学组织工程)
MSc Nanomedicine by Research (研究型纳米医学硕士)
MSc Robotics (机器人学)
MSc Climate Change: Science, Society and Solutions ()
MSc by Research Materials (研究材料学)
MSci Biotechnology ()
Biomedical Sciences ()
Biochemistry with Entrepreneurship ()
MSc Infection Biology (感染生物学)
International Foundation in Aerospace, Chemical and Civil Engineering (国际航空航天、化学和土木工程国际预科)
MSc Petroleum Geoscience ()
MSc Artificial Intelligence ()
International Foundation in Pharmacy (药剂学本科预科)
Development Studies and Social Statistics ()
BSc Mathematics with an Integrated Foundation Year ()
MSc Pure Mathematics ()
BSc Mathematics with Financial Mathematics ()
MSc Research Methods with Human Geography ()
Mathematics and Physics ()
MSc by Research Polymers and Composites (聚合物和复合材料)
PhD/MPhil Biostatistics ()
ICTs for Development MSc (信息与通信技术发展)
International Development: Development Management (国际发展:发展管理)
International Development: Globalisation, Trade and Industry (国际发展:全球化、贸易与工业)
Organisational Change and Development MSc (组织变革与发展)
Planning MSc (规划)
TESOL MA (对外英语教学)
MSc International Fashion Retailing (Business Process Improvement) (国际时尚零售(业务流程改进))
MSc Polymer Materials Science and Engineering (高分子材料科学与工程)
Applied Mathematics MSc (应用数学)
BSc Life Sciences (生命科学)
MSc Renewable Energy and Clean Technology with Extended Research (可再生能源与清洁技术理学)
BSc Cognitive Neuroscience and Psychology with Industrial/Professional Experience ()
Public Health B902 ()
PhD/MPhil Public Health (公共卫生)
MPH Master of Public Health (Communicable Disease Prevention and Control) (公共卫生硕士(传染病预防和控制))
Psychology (3 Years) [BSc] (心理学)
Master of Public Health (MPH) (公共卫生)
Health Data Science MSc (健康数据科学)
Health Psychology MSc (健康心理学)
MEd Psychology of Education (教育心理学)
Fashion Management and Marketing ()
International Disaster Management and Humanitarian Response ()
Global Development BA ()
Sociology and Chinese ()
MSc Social Network Analysis ()
MSc Business Psychology (商业心理学)
MSc Global Development (Development Management) (全球发展(发展管理))
MSc Urban Studies (都市研究)
MPH Master of Public Health (Global Health) ()
MSc Global Development (Migration, Mobility & Displacement) (全球发展 (移民、流动和流离失所))
MSc Global Development (Politics, Governance and Development Policy) (全球发展(政治、治理和发展政策))
MSc Global Development (全球发展)
Sociology (3 Years) [B SocSc] (社会学)
MSc Financial Economics (金融经济)
International Politics - International Relations Pathway (Standard Route) MA (国际政治-国际关系途径(标准路线))
BA Film Studies and English Literature (电影研究与英语文学)
MSc Research Methods with International Development (国际发展研究方法)
International Foundation in Humanities and Social Sciences (人文和社会科学)
MSc Advanced Leadership for Professional Practice (Social Work) ()
Human Rights - Political Science (Research Route) MA (人权-政治科学(研究路线))
Philosophy MA (哲学)
Political Science - European Politics & Policy Pathway (Standard Route) MA (政治科学-欧洲政治与政策路线(标准路线))
BSc Global Health (全球健康)
BAEcon Economics and Politics ()
MPhil East Asian Studies ()
Environmental Management BSc ()
MA Social Change, Environment and Sustainability ()
International Foundation in Humanities and Social Sciences-4 Terms (人文和社会科学)
Social Anthropology (3 / 4 Years) [BSocSc] (社会人类学)
International Politics - International Political Economy Pathway (Research Route) MA (国际政治-国际政治经济路径(研究通道))
International Politics - International Political Economy Pathway (Standard Route) MA (国际政治-国际政治经济途径(标准路线))
Political Science - Governance and Public Policy Pathway (Research Route) MA (政治科学-公共政策路线(研究路线))
Political Science - Philosophy and Political Theory MA (政治科学:哲学与政治理论)
Political Science - Political Theory Pathway (Research Route) MA (政治科学:政治理论途径(研究路线))
Human Rights - Law / Political Science Pathway (Standard Route) MA (人权-法律/政治科学(标准课程))
Human Rights - Law/ Political Science Pathway (Research Route) MA (人权-法律/政治学科学(研究路线))
Political Economy (Research Route) (政治经济(研究路线))
Political Economy (Standard Route) (政治经济(标准路线))
Political Science - Democracy and Elections (Research Route) MA (政治科学民主与选举(研究路线))
Political Science - Democracy and Elections (Standard Route) MA (政治科学民主与选举(标准路线))
Social Anthropology MA (社会人类学)
Social Anthropology MA - Culture, Ethnography and Development Pathway (社会人类学-文化、民族志与发展)
MSc Global Development (Poverty and Inequality) (全球发展)
MPH Master of Public Health (on campus) ()
BA East Asian Studies ()
MSc Computational and Corpus Linguistics ()
Social Work MA (社会工作)
Social Research Methods and Statistics MSc (社会研究方法与统计)
MPRE Master of Planning with Real Estate ()
MSc Digital Trust, Society and Security ()
BA History of Art ()
BSc Earth and Planetary Sciences ()
MSc Real Estate (房地产)
Political Science - Political Theory Pathway (Standard Route) MA (政治科学:政治理论途径(标准路线))
Sociological Research MSc (社会学研究)
Sociology MA (社会学)
BASS Politics and Sociology ()
BA Philosophy ()
BA Ancient History (古代史)
MSc Global Development (Globalisation, Trade & Industry) (全球发展(全球化、贸易和工业))
BA History ()
MSc Data Science (Mathematics) ()
MSc International Fashion Retailing (Entrepreneurship and Innovation) ()
MSc Transport and Urban Planning ()
Anthropological Research MA (人类学研究)
Human Rights - Political Science (Standard Route) MA (人权-政治科学(标准路线))
International Politics - International Relations Pathway (Research Route) MA (国际政治-国际关系途径(研究路径))
Political Science - European Politics & Policy Pathway (Research Route) MA (政治科学:欧洲政治与政策路线(研究路线))
Political Science - Governance and Public Policy Pathway (Standard Route) MA (政治科学-公共政策途径(标准路线))
Politics MA (政治)
Social Anthropology MA - Visual and Sensory Media Pathway (社会人类学-视觉与感觉媒体)
Visual Anthropology MA (可视人类学)
MSc Occupational Hygiene ()
BA Digital Media, Culture and Society ()
MSc Science and Health Communication ()
MA Creative and Cultural Industries (创意文化产业)
BA French Studies ()
MSc Data Science (Business and Management) ()
BA Archaeology and History ()
MA Heritage Studies ()
MA Sociology ()
BSc Molecular Biology ()
BA History and Sociology ()
MSc Real Estate Finance and Investment ()
MSc Adult Nursing ()
BSc Biology ()
MSc Physician Associate Studies ()
BSc Neuroscience (神经科学)
MSc Precision Medicine ()
Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences MPhil (药学和药物科学)
MRes Translational Medicine: Interdisciplinary Molecular Medicine (转化医学:跨学科分子医学)
MSc Molecular Pathology ()
MSc Advanced Leadership for Professional Practice (Nursing) ()
Fixed and Removable Prosthodontics (Dental Specialties) MSc (固定与可摘义齿修复学(口腔专业))
MSc Clinical Dentistry (Paediatric Dentistry) (临床牙科(儿科))
MSc Model-based Drug Development (药物开发)
Investigative Ophthalmology and Vision Science MSc (调查眼科及视觉科学)
Neuroimaging for Clinical & Cognitive Neuroscience MSc (临床与认知神经科学的神经影像学)
MRes Infection Biology ()
MPhil Prosthodontics (口腔修复学研究型硕士)
MSc Advanced Restorative Dentistry (高级修复牙科(授课型硕士))
MSc Advanced Therapy Medicinal Products ()
Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery (Dental Specialties) MSc (口腔颌面外科(牙科专业))
Clinical Biochemistry (MSc) (临床生物化学)
Clinical Immunology MSc (临床免疫学)
Forensic Psychology and Mental Health FT MSc (法医心理学与心理健康)
MSc Advanced Practice in Forensic Mental Health (法医心理健康)
MSc (Clin) Endodontics (牙髓病学(临床))
MSc (Clin) Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery (口腔颌面外科)
MSc (Clin) Orthodontics (正畸学)
MSc (Clin) Periodontology (牙周病学)
Medical Microbiology MSc (医学微生物学)
MPH Master of Public Health (Health Sciences) ()
Healthcare Ethics and Law LLM (卫生保健伦理与法律)
MSc Audiology (Paediatric Pathway) ()
BSc Chemical Engineering ()
MSc (Clin) Fixed and Removable Prosthodontics (固定与可摘义齿修复学)
Genomic Medicine MSc (基因组医学)
Medical Virology MSc (医学病毒学)
Endodontics (Dental Specialties) MSc (牙髓病学(牙科专业))
MSc Oncology Research ()
MSc Bioinformatics and Systems Biology (生物信息学和系统生物学)
Pharmacology (3 Years) [BSc] (药物学)
PhD Clinical Sciences ()
BNurs Adult Nursing (成人护理)
MSc Advanced Clinical Practice (Paediatrics) (高级临床实践)
MSc Molecular Pathology of Cancer ()
PGCert Clinical Bioinformatics (临床生物信息学)
MSc Clinical Pharmacy (临床药学)
MClin Res Clinical Research (临床研究)
MSc Cancer Biology and Radiotherapy Physics ()
Healthcare Ethics and Law MA (卫生保健伦理与法律)
MSc Model-based Drug Development - Pharmacokinetic and Pharmacodynamic Modelling ()
MSc Developmental Biology and Stem Cells (Research) ()
MSc Medical and Molecular Virology ()
MRes Cardiovascular Health and Disease (心血管健康和疾病)
MSc Medical Imaging Science ()
Pharmacy (B230) ()
LLB Law with Criminology (法学与犯罪学)
Law-LLB (Hons) (法律)
BASS Criminology and Data Analytics ()
Intellectual Property Law LLM (知识产权法)
International Business and Commercial Law LLM (国际商务与商业法)
International Financial Law LLM (国际金融法)
Law LLM (法律)
Security and International Law LLM (安全与国际法)
Transnational Dispute Resolution LLM (跨国纠纷解决)
PhD Law ()
Criminology MA (犯罪学)
International Trade Transactions LLM (国际贸易交易)
Public International Law LLM (公共国际法律)
Security & International Law MA (安全与国际法)
Sociology and Criminology (LM39) ()
MSc Pharmaceutical Technology and Quality Assurance ()
enrironmental management ()
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